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Episode 127

Episode 127

Veliki pozdrav, naši prijatelji!

Our series on traveler’s phrases continues.

If you and your family are planning to visit Croatia this summer, this episode is for you, part two!

Communicate with the locals and give your best attempt to chat and practice your hrvatski jezik.


Please/Excuse me - Molim vas…

Do you speak English? - Govorite li engleski?

to find - pronaći

I can’t find my suitcase. - Ne mogu pronaći moj kofer.

We need a taxi. - Trebamo taxi.

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand you. - Oprosti te, ali ne razumjem vas.

to search for - tražiti

We are searching for our apartment, can you help? - Tražimo naš apartman, možete li nam pomoći?

Super Slatko Report

 In this edition of the Super Slatko Report, DJ Moe tells us abou the wonderful island of Lastovo. Where is it and how do you get there? Stick around and find out. 

Lastovo, another hidden gem in the Adriatic Sea. Found just off the southern coast of Croatia, Lastovo is part of the Lastovo Archipelago Nature Park, an area known for its stunning natural beauty, history, and unique cultural heritage. This secluded island, with its lush greenery, rugged coastline, and crystal-clear waters, Lastovo is a quieter island where people who appreciate the less touristy approach at a slower pace.

Historically, Lastovo has been inhabited since ancient times, with archaeological finds dating back to the Neolithic era (approximately 12,000 years ago). Throughout the centuries, the island has seen a myriad of rulers, from the Romans to the Venetians, each leaving their mark on its culture and architecture. The charming town of Lastovo, perched on a hillside, showcases this rich history with its medieval stone houses, narrow streets, and iconic chimneys, known locally as "fumari," which are unique to the island. These chimneys are not only functional but also a symbol of the island’s identity and craftsmanship.

If you love nature Lastovo is the place. The island is covered in dense forests of Aleppo pine and holm oak, providing a robust environment for a variety of wildlife, including the elusive European wildcat and numerous bird species. The surrounding waters are teeming with marine life, making it a popular spot for diving and snorkeling. The Lastovo Archipelago Nature Park spans across 44 islands, it’s considered a protected area that ensures the preservation of this pristine environment. When visiting, you can explore numerous hiking trails that offer breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea and the archipelago's other islands.

Lastovo is also known for its festivals, which offer a look into the island’s vibrant culture. One of the most notable is the Lastovo Carnival, or "Poklade," a centuries-old celebration held every February. This unique event involves colorful parades, traditional music, and dancing, ending with the symbolic burning of a puppet, which represents the expulsion of evil spirits. The festival is a testament to the islanders' deep-rooted customs and their communal spirit.

If you’re a foodie like me, Lastovo does not disappoint. The island has rich gastronomic roots, heavily influenced by its maritime surroundings. Fresh seafood, particularly lobster and octopus, is a staple, often prepared with locally sourced olive oil, herbs, and vegetables. The island’s vineyards produce a variety of wines, with the indigenous Plavac Mali grape being a standout. Dining in Lastovo is not just about the food, but also the experience of savoring these flavors in quaint, family-run restaurants overlooking the scenic Adriatic.

How do you get there? Great question! The island can be reached by ferry or catamaran from the city of Split and other neighboring islands. The island’s a little remote which has played to its advantage, helping to preserve Otok Lastovo’s authentic charm, making it a great idea for those looking to disconnect from the modern world for a little bit. If you’re planning on staying over night,  accommodations range from campsites to guesthouses, ensuring a comfortable stay for all types of travelers.

If you are in search of natural beauty, history or even a simple reset from the some or the more touristy offerings Croatia has on offer, Otok Lastovo would be a great option. And as you might remember from Episode 104 as of May 2023, Otok Lastovo was working towards gaining Croatias 4th International Dark Sky Park Status. Making it a great place to star gaze if you’re staying over night.

I hope that this excited you about Otok Lastovo as much as it did for me, if we don’t get around to it on this family trip, it’s definitely on the list of places to visit for me.

And thats it for the Super Slatko Report!

Episode 126

Episode 126