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Episode 23

Episode 23

Bok, prijatelji!

Welcome to our 23rd Episode!

We are glad that you joined us again.

Today, we challenge you to build 3 sentences with the words we’ve learned, thus far.

A difficult task!

Tony D. and DJ Moe give it a try and Uncle Mike will give some advice!


Building Sentences.

Use the verbs ‘to be’, ‘to live’, ‘to love’, ‘to adore’.

Tony D:

Ja živim u Kaliforniji.

I live in California.

Tata i ja volimo žooloski vrt.

Dad and I love the zoo.

Čekaj, ja sam odlično.

Wait! I am excellent.

DJ Moe:

Ja volim smjiešnog majmuna.

I love the funny monkey

Oprosti Tata, slabo mi je.

Excuse me Dad, I am not well.

On obožava kikiriki.

He adores peanuts.

More samples:

Danas je Petak.

Today is Friday.

Sutra je Subota.

Tomorrow is Saturday.

Automobil je crven.

The car is red.

Ona je medicinska sestra.

She is a nurse.

Oni su iz Australije.

They are from Australia.

Mi živimo u Kanadi.

We live in Canada.

Episode 24

Episode 24

Episode 22

Episode 22