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Episode 48

Episode 48

Photo Cred: @Timotej

Korčula Hill, Korčula

Dobar dan, dragi prijatelji!

Welcome back to another wonderful episode.

Have you ever wondered how to compile a grocery shopping list na Hrvatski?

If you have, today you will learn!

What a great way to practice your Croatian… write your shopping list with our help!

Lesson - Grocery List

grocery list - Popis namirnica za kupovinu

bread - kruh

milk - mlijeko

butter - maslac

juice -  sok

carrots - mrkva

onion - luk/kapula

eggs - tucet jaja (dozen eggs) 

bananas - banana/banane

apples - jabuka/jabuke

ice cream - slado led

In celebration of Father’s Day, this edition of the SSReport will be a sing-a-long in honor of all of the dads out there.

We’ll perform Oprosti Mi, Pape by Oliver Dragojević, a song dedicated to his Tata.


Episode 49

Episode 49

Episode 47

Episode 47