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Episode 62

Episode 62

Sretna Nova Godina, dragi prijatelji!

2022 has arrived and we are ready to get going!

Are you ready to join us?

In today’s lesson, we’ll dedicate our time to the verb “to go”.

Sometimes we need a little kick start to get going, and today is the day!


to go - ići

I go/I am going - Ja idem

You go/You are going.. - ti ideš

You (formal) go - vi idite

He/She/It goes/is going - Ide

We go/are going - Mi idemo


I am going to the store. - Ja idem u dućan.

She goes to school. - Ona ide u školu.

He is going to the beach. - On ide na plažu.

Are you going home? - Ideš kući?

Go straight. - Idite ravno.

We are going dancing. - Idemo plesati.

I am going to wash my hands. - Idem oprati ruke. 

In this edition of the Super Slatko Report, DJ Moe tells us about a magical destination in Croatia called “The Blue Eye”. It’s truly a wonder of nature, and today we’ll learn all about it!

Today we are heading to the northwestern slope of Dinara (Mountain Range), near a small village called Milasevo. We are going to visit a Karst Spring, that is 15 meters in diameter and 492 feet deep. Today we’re talking about the Izvor Rijeke Cetine, also known as the Blue Eye and in German known as Das Dracuhenauge (the Dragon Eye).

You’ll understand why its called that once you see it for yourself, in person or from a quick Inter Web Search. Or you can see a breath taking aerial view as our Episode 42 photo seen on, provided by our good friend Timotej. The vivid turquoise, tear in the earth, is made of crystal clear water that goes rom light around the edges to a dark blue center, as you get pulled into the photo.

What is it?

It’s known as a Karst Spring.

Karst is the type of topography that means its formed when rocks like Limestone, dolomite, or gypsum are broken down or dissolved by water. Meaning Drainage, and a Spring is a water source that is, a point at which water flows to the Earth’s surface.

The the Izvor Cetine overflows enough to be one of the larger sources of the Cetina River, the longest river in Dalmatia, that eventually flows into the Adriatic.

The Izvor Cetine is also a Croatian protected Hydroloical Monument, providing valuable drinking water to the locals, providing them support for their agriculture and a nice area for the local wild life. 

Once the Izvor Cetine overflows and feeds into the Cetina river, the water makes it way to hydroelectricity plants further down river that helps some of the larger cities, towns and villages as well.

Now that you have a decent idea of what it is, you’d probably wonder, has anybody gone to the bottom?

Yes, there are a few videos of people diving and filming that you can find, but unfortunately there isn’t much to see as the cave does go very deep and not a lot of it is accessible. I watched one of the videos, and it looked pretty barren with some scattered human debris here and there.

To visit the Izvor Cetina for yourself, you’ll need to make your way to Milasevo, there you’ll need to make your way to a small village also called Cetina. Once you’re there, you can then follow a foot path you can find that leads from a local Orthodox Church down to the Blue Eye itself.

If you want to test the waters for yourself, you can, just be careful as the water is pretty cold and there is also no lifeguard on duty. So you’ll need to be careful as this isn’t your typical tourist attraction. No fee to get in and usually not a lot of other tourists around either.

I hope you do go visit, and i do hope you be careful, not just for yourself but also to take care of this natural beauty, and also very helpful for so many of the locals.

And that’s it for the Super Slatko Report!

Episode 63

Episode 63

Episode 61

Episode 61