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Episode 41

Episode 41

Photo Cred: @timotej


Bok, prijatelji!

We’ve got a delightful episode lined up for you today!

Upon the request of a long-time listener, we will be devoting the Language Lesson to the months of the year.

They’re a bit tricky, but very interesting.

We hope you enjoy the challenge.

Lesson - Months

January - Siječanj (timber-cutting time)

February - Veljača (Slavic Festival “Velja noć”)

March - Ožujak (lying month - unstable weather)

April - Travanj (grass growing)

May - Svibanj (budding trees and plants)

June - Lipanj (linden-blissing time)

July - Srpanj (harvest time)

August - Kolovoz (time for driving harvest wagon)

September - Rujan (season of animal mating)

October - Listopad (falling leaves)

November - Studeni (cold month)

December - Prosinac (month of begging)

In this edition of our SSR, we have a special interview with Marija from Haunted Dubrovnik Tours.

She leads us on an informative and very spooky guided tour through the old town of Dubrovnik.

She has gotten creative and developed her tour online and we joined her!

It’s really fun and we had a great time with the interview as well

Find her at:

We had such a good time on her virtual tour, you too can find her AirBnB experience here!

Episode 42

Episode 42

Episode 40 & 40.1

Episode 40 & 40.1