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Episode 43

Episode 43

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Dobar dan, prijatelji!

We’ve got a great episode for you today!

We’ll teach you how to cheat your way through knowing the months!

This time cheating is good. Trust us.

Lesson - Ordinals

order(sequence) - red

Everything’s in order - Sve u redu

first - prvi/prva/prvo (m/f/n)

-first month - prvi mjesec

-first house - prva kuća

-first place - prvo mjesto

second/other - drugi

third - treći

fourth - četvrti

fifth - peti

sixth - šesti

As for the SSR, DJ Moe is going to take us on a trip to Rome and give us a historical tour of the Victor Immanuel II Monument. Besides being amazingly huge, it has some hidden gems regarding Croatian cities we know. Stick around and find out!

This one came in as a suggestion via email from listener Natasha.

Here we go,

The Victor Emmanuel II Monument.

Constructed in 1885 and completed in 1935, 

This monument was built in honor of King Victor Emmanuel II, 

This monument serves multiple purposes. Obviously in tribute to King Victor Emmanuel II who it’s named for. Also serves as a memoriam for the burial of the unknown soldier and it’s also symbolic dedication to a united country and freedom. This Monument is located in Rome, Italy.

Located on Via dei Fori Imperiali, down the street from the Colesium!

This monument also boasts a list of redeemed cities following the Treaty of Rapallo from 1920 and the Treaty of Rome in 1924.

Here’s list, some may sound familiar., mostly the Croatian cities in the seconde half...

Trieste - which is a city and a Sea Port, today found in North Eastern Italy

Trento - is a city on the Adige River, located centrally in Northern Italy

Gorizia - this a North Eastern Italian city that borders Slovenia

Pola - pronounced Pula and as we know from past SSR’s, this is a Croatian city located in Istria County 

Fiume - This one we know as Rijeka, another Croatian city and Sea Port.

Zara - This one we haven’t discussed much but you might know it as Zadar.

Although all these cities are named on this monument in celebration of the Italian unification, fast  forward to the Paris Treaties of 1947; Pula, Rijeka and Zadar went to Yugoslavia and then later over to Croatia.

Although this pretty famous Italian monument, which is located in close proximity to some of the more well known tourist attractions in Italy, the Coliseum, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, the Vatican and so on... You will find also slice of Croatia here as well.

So pay close attention, as noted by our listener Natasha, some very well known architecture and tourist attractions in the world may have Croatian ties. 

Echoing back to Ivan Meštrović’s Bowman and Spearman sculptures found in Chicago’s Grant Park covered in Episode 25.. 

Big thank you to listener Natasha for making the suggestion.

And that’s it for this episodes Super Slatko Report.

Episode 44

Episode 44

Episode 42

Episode 42