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Episode 66

Episode 66

Dobro jutro, žmigavac users!

You have to use your žmigavac if you wanna roll with LLC!

In today’s lesson, we learn how to say “have to”, like.. I have to use my turn signal! “Morati” is a great verb, because it means “have to, need to, and must”.

A great word and a great lesson!


have to/need to/must (v) - morati

I have to - Ja moram.

I have to was my hands. - Moram oprati ruke.

You have to (fam) - Ti moraš

You must eat vegetables. - Moraš jesti povrće.

He/she/it has to - On mora, ona mora, ono mora

She needs to go to school. Ona mora ići u školu.

We have to - Mi moramo

We have to study Croatian now. - Sada moramo učiti hrvatski.

You (formal/plural) - Vi morate 

You kids must kiss your old gradmother. - Vi morate poljubiti svoju staru baku.

I need to buy peanuts. - Moram kupiti kikirki.

You must think. - Moraš misliti! 

He needs to go to the toilet. - On mora na WC.

Today we have to drink water. - Danas moramo piti vodu.

Sir, you must close the door. - Gospodine, morate zatvoriti vrata.

Super Slatko Report

DJ Moe puts a spotlight on carmaker Mate Rimac, for today’s SSR. We hope you like fast and expensive electric cars!

Mate was Born February 12th 1988. Mate grew up loving cars and longed for racing. He finally got his chance at the age of 18 when he got his hands on a 1984 BMW 3 series to get into drift racing. 

Those of you who aren’t familiar with Drifting, drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, with loss of traction, while maintaining control and driving the car through the entirety of a corner. But with an added racing element.

In an interview, he says that he originally got a hold of it so the BMW to start doing that. He says, “All you need is an old car with rear wheel drive and a few spare tires and that’s it to start drifting.” Very soon after getting started though,  he blew his engine. 

He wanted to replace the engine with one from a newer car that had more power but that was too expensive. So instead decided to do something special by tapping into his love for technology and factoring in ideas from another famous Croatian, Nikola Tesla. From his garage, Mate was able to convert his 84 BMW into an electric powerhouse.

Over time,  and 7 different electric engine versions later, he was able to make his car better and better. In 2011 he broke several FIA and Guiness book world records.

This is what inspired him to found Rimac Automobilli, he vision; to build electric cars to not just be thought of as eco friendly, but fun and exciting too.

Obviously this type of business venture would be very expensive, But he was able to succeed by partnering with other auto makers who invested in him for specific parts; those being batteries and power trains. Now he has investing partners like Porsche, Hyundai,  and Kia, and 600 employees so that he can do both; build his amazing electric cars and continue to build parts for others.

Thanks to listener David for the recommendation. 

That’s it for the Super Slatko Report.

Episode 67

Episode 67

Episode 65

Episode 65