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Episode 72

Episode 72

Dobro jutro Gospodin i Gospođo.

We hope you’re in a playful mood today, because in this episode we’ll be learning a nursery rhyme.

If rhymes can help children learn new words, it can definitely help us adults, as well.

Stick around for some tongue-twisting fun!

Lesson - Eci peci pec

rabbit - zec

squirrel - vjeverica

bunny - zečica

after (prepostiion) - za (for, to, in, by, with, per, towards, and more)

their (possessive) - njihova

children - djeca (dječica)

Eci peci pec

Eci peci pec

Ti si mali zec

A ja mala vjeverica

Eci peci pec

eci peci pec

Ide mali zec

A za njime zečica

I njihova dječica

Eci peci pec

Eci peci pec

ti si mali zec

a ja mala vjeverica

eci peci pec

eci peci pec

Super Slatko Report

In this edition of the SSR, DJ Moe will take us on a trip to Zagreb. In Croatia’s capitol city there’s a fortified tower called Lotrščak. It holds a cannon and you can get there by funicular! 

Lotrščak Tower is a fortified tower located in an old part of town called Gradec or Gornij Grad (Upper Town). The tower was built in the 13th century to guard the southern gate of the Gradec Town wall. The name is derived from Latin, Campana latrunculorum, meaning thieves bell, referring to a bell hung in the tower in 1646 that signaled the closing of the town gates.

Credit to Wikipedia for that information.

Another reason to visit this tower is the canon.

This is not just any canon, this canon is still very much active. It’s actually been going off everyday at noon since 1877, signaling the to the surrounding city churches bell-ringers, what time it is so that they could ring their bells at the correct time. 

Or this explanation which I read about on

The canon goes off at noon,… To commemorate one day in the 15th century when that canon was fired at the Turks at noon, who were then camped across the Sava River. On its way down the cannonball happened to hit a rooster, which was blown to bits, apparently this was so demoralizing for the Turks that they decided not to attack the city after all. 

I guess you can choose the reason that you like best..

Lotrščak Tower offers 360 degree views of the city where you can see other amazing Zagreb sites, such as, the Zagreb Cathedral, St. Marks Church, the National Theatre & the Funicular.

What’s a Funicular you ask?

A Funicular is a type of cable railway system that connects points along a railway track on a steep slope.

Basically it’s two separate carriages connected by cable, that ascend and descend at the same speed going in opposite directions, up and down the slope simultaneously.

The Zagreb Funicular takes you from Tomic Street, connecting Donji Grad to Gornji Grad. Its a 66meter (217 ft) track, that covers a 100 foot height difference from beginning to end, covering a 52% incline. Put those 2 stats together and you have one of the shortest and steepest public transport funiculars in the world! The Zagreb Funicular was installed originally in 1888 and put into operation in 1890. Originally steam powered, when in 1934 it switched over to electricity. It costs 4 kuna per person or 20kn for a private ride, and trips occur every 10 minutes from 6:30am to midnight.

Sounds like a fun visit to add to anyones next trip to Zagreb.

That’s it for the Super Slatko Report.

Episode 73

Episode 73

Episode 71

Episode 71