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Episode 8

Episode 8

Welcome to LLC’s first attempt at podcast theater!

In this episode we present you a skit using a huge amount of the vocabulary we’ve learned up until now.

We’re dreaming of walking the red carpet one day and we hope this will usher into the right direction, lol!

All joking aside, check out E8 and test yourself, see how much you can follow along.


Also, special shout out to our newest photography content contributor, Cousin Nick!

If you like what you see you can follow his work on instagram below.

You’ll start to see his Croatia photography across our site, thanks Cousin Nick!

Ps - Cousin Nick also contributed to some of the sound effects used in the E8 skit.

Onto the Script for our Skit!

Skit - Tony visits the Tourism Office

Luka: Da, da, da! Čekaj! 

           Halo, dobro jutro. Ulazi te. 

Tony: Dobro jutro, hvala.

           Ja se zovem Tony. Kako se zovete?

Luka: Ja? Ja se zovem Luka. Drago mi je. Molim vas, čekaj te. 

           Oprosti, Tony. Kako si?

Tony: Ja sam dobro. Hvala, a vi?

Luka: Ja? Ja? Tony, ja sam umoran! Da. Slabo mi je. 

           Ah, dobro. Molim te. Što hočeš, Tony?

Tony: Uhh, mmm.

Luka: Da, da. Što hočeš?

Tony: Molim vas. Ne razumijem.

Luka: Ne govoriš Hrvatski? 

           What do you want? What can I do for you?

Tony: Oh, yes. Da. Uh. Ja učim Hrvatski, i malo govorim Hrvatski.

Luka: Da, Tony. Razumijem. Što hočeš?

Tony: Kako se kaže…Main Square?

Luka: Main Square na Hrvatski, je Glavni Trg. 

           Molim te, čekaj Tony. Moram u WC.

Tony: WC? Oh, yah, restroom.

Luka:   Da, Glavni Trg. Govori.

Tony: Gdje je Glavni Trg?

(Chaos ensues!)

Luka: Doviđenja, Tony! Vidimo se! 

Tony: Hvala, Bog.


Ulazi te - Enter

Izlaz - Exit

Oprosti - Sorry

Što hočeš? - What do you want? (Informal)

Episode 9

Episode 9

Episode 7

Episode 7