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Episode 33

Episode 33

Photo Cred: Luca Boscain

Bok, prijatelji!

What’s your excuse?

In Episode 33, we will learn some ways to give somebody an excuse for not doing something.

They’ll be quick, painless and very effective.

These are some of the most important phrases you’ll ever learn!


excuse - razlog

I forgot! - Zaboravio sam! (m)

- Zaboravila sam! (f)

I fell asleep! - Zaspao sam! (m)

-Zaspala sam! (f)

I was busy! - Bio sam zauzet! (m)

- Bila sam zauzeta! (f)

I don’t care! -Nije me briga!

-Ne zanima me!

In today’s SSR, DJ Moe will be our tour guide through the beautiful town of Trogir. This quaint and fantastic little city is tucked into a wonderful spot along the Dalmatian Coast. Do not miss it!

Hello my super slatko prieteljie

In this episodes Super Slatko I plan to talk about Trogir!

Located along the Adriatic coast, this historic town is a short 30 minutes drive from Split by car and can be accessed via bridges from the mainland. The town is small and can be walked from one end to the other in under 10 minutes, but very much worth the visit. Boasting a population of 13,260, Trogir sits on a small island nestled between the island of Čiovo and the mainland.

Since 1997, this historic town has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites for its Venetian architecture. 

(UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Aimed at promoting world peace and security through education, science and culture.)

In the 3rd century BC, the Greeks colonized the island where it went by a different name, Tragurion, stemming from the word Tragos, the Greek word for male goat. Or perhaps the name comes from the Illyrian world “Tregur” meaning 3 stones. 

In 1420 the period of long term Venetian rule bagan, lasting nearly 4 centuries. Known to the Ventians as Trau, the city had much wealth and prosperity. Trogir or Trau, was known as one of the best cities in the Balkans, boasting a rich economy, plenty of Renaissance works of art and architecture.

When the rule of Venice fell, in 1797, Trogir became part of the Habsburg Empire which ruled until 1918, with the exception of 1806-1814, when the city was part of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy and Illyrian Provicnces.

With 2,300 years of Urban tradition under its belt, spanning the Greeks, Romans and Venetians, Trogir has accumulated many sights worth seeing.

In one visit some the influences you could see are:






Some of the top places you need to see when in Trogir

  • Historical City Core, boasting 10 churches and numerous buildings from the 13th century

  • The city gate from the 17th century and city wall from the 15th century

  • The Fortress of Kamerlengo from the 15th century

  • The Duke’s Palace form the 13th century

  • The Cathedral from the 13th Century with the Portal by Master Radovan (famous artist)

  • Small palaces from the 15th century

  • the city Loggia from the 15th century

  • And a relief of a Horseman on the South Wall depicting Peter Berslavić, the viceroy of Croatia from (1513-1520) which was done by one of our past Super Slatko spotlights, artist Ivan Meštrović.

This town even boasts Orthaganol Street planning that was developed during the Helenistic period, from roughly the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC to Roman Empire kicking off around 31 BC.

Orthaganol Street planning is what most of us see everyday where we live. City based on a grid system, based on right angles and city blocks. Orthagonal cities can be navigated easier, allow for organized development and irrigation. All done around 323-31 BC.

Needless to say, Trogir has a lot to offer in a small package.

Make sure you add that to your list of things to do and see next time you’re in Croatia.

That’s it for this episodes Super Slatko Report.

Episode 34

Episode 34

Episode 32

Episode 32