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Episode 35

Episode 35

Photo Cred: Luca Boscain

Bok, prijatelji!

Welcome to LLC’s second annual Holiday Episode!

We will build on our vocabulary from last year and try to muster up some holiday spirit!

Lesson - Holidays 2020

holiday - praznik

festival - festival

Christmas tree - jelka, božićno drvce

snowman - snjegović

reindeer - sob

toys - igračke

Super Slatko Report

In this edition of the Super Slatko Report, DJ Moe will give us a wonderful description of some very special Croatian holiday pastries. Here at LLC, we consider ourselves to be big fans of desserts and this SSR has our mouths watering!

Googling around the inter webs I stumbled across a site called Travel Honestly.

Author Andrea Pisac, released a Croatian Desserts book.

You can find source material for this SSR here!

In this Super Slatko Report I’ll go over 5 holidays desserts used for celebrations and I will do my best to preserve Andrea’s descriptions and connection to each dessert listed.

  1. Croatian Cherry Strudel - Light and crunchy on the outside, layers of flaky layers and fruit filling on the inside. Filo dough crust is best and the most common fillings are either apple or Cherry. As Andrea says, “the tartness and the meatiness of the cherries are what make this dessert so delicious.” The are other filling options using other fruits, nuts, or a savory cheese.

  2. Mađarica - translation meaning “Hungarian Girl” this one is a Croatian Layer cake, and it looks amazing. Alternating thin neat layers of buttery chocolate and crumbly cake. This one desert makes an appearance at almost any cause for celebration, Christmas, births, marriages, anniversaries, etc..

  3. Fritule - Andrea calls these “mini boozey doughnuts.” Another Christmas treat, this one is another crowd favorite. Apparently when frying of these up, aromas are sent into the air, that alert both children and neighbors alike. These little flavor bombs are often filled with grated apples or raisins with a citrus zest, these doughnuts also boast those boozey flavors, utilizing rum, rose lequer or grappa.

  4. Orehnjača - this is a walnut cake that also goes by potica or povitica. This is another holiday favorite, from the picture it looks like a cinnamon swirl coffee cake, but that is actually the walnut filling. There is another version of this cake called makovnjača, which uses a poppy seed filling instead. Apparently there are huge followings for each and people usually fall into one camp or the other and argue about which one is better. Having not had either and based on the two options if they were presented to me, I’d probably lean more towards the walnut, having not had many desserts with poppy seeds in them, but I’m willing to give it a try!

  5. Breskvice - Croatian peach shaped cookies. This is a traditional Croatian Christmas cookie. These fan favorites resemble actual peaches, in shape and color. These sandwich cookies are buttery with a rich chocolate filling. These cookies apparently are a labor of love as they take hours to complete and are often given away as a present. If i made these, they would never make it out the door.

There are obviously more listed that I didn’t cover, please feel free and check out the link on the Episode page to see more for yourself. 

And that is it for this episodes Super Slatko Report.

Episode 36

Episode 36

Episode 34

Episode 34