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Episode 36

Episode 36

Photo Cred: Luca Boscain

Sretna Nova Godina, prijatelji!

In our first episode of 2021, we’ll be learning some fun words and also a rhyme!

Learning rhymes is a great way for little kids to remember phrases, and yes, adults, too!


really, totally - stvarno

sure - može

corn - kukuruz

chicken - kokoša

egg - jaje, (p) jaja

Rhyme Time

okoš, bokoš, prdne kokoš,

pita maja, koliko tebi treba jaja?

In this edition of the SSR, DJ Moe will cover the lovely tradition of Croatian weddings!

Much like all cultures around the world, two people getting married is a festive and wonderful family affair.

So after some careful, diligent researching, I came across 8 traditions that will round out your very special day perfectly.

  1. Engagement - During the engagement the man will offer an obiljezje. Which is a piece of fruit (like and apple) with coins pressed into it.

  2. Purchasing The Bride - so fast forward to the wedding day, the groom gets dressed and ready, rounds up his best buddies, some musicians and they all make their way to the brides place of residence. They stand outside the front of their home with the main objective of trying to woo the bride. At this point the brides family steps in and has a little fun. The brides family opens the door and then tries to sell the groom a decoy bride, usually a rag doll, an older aunt, grandma, dressed in a wedding gown to fool the groom, sometimes a family member with a blanket over his head will be used. After some skillful negotiating, the groom gets the real bride and they make their way to the church.

  3. Church Procession - Here the wedding party, family and friends make their way to the church as a large traveling group, compete with a Croatian Flag bearer known as a barjaktar, meaning banner holder. This job is usually given to the loudest, craziest, silliest person the couple knows. And their job is to wave the flag the whole time yelling and shouting in excitement for the celebration to come during the procession.

  4. Rosemary Donations - this one takes place at the reception;. as a sign of welcome. When guests arrive they receive a little bundle or single branch of Rosemary that gets pinned to the guests left side as a corsage and sometimes offered as a bracelets for the ladies. The Rosemary is usually decorated in blue, red and white ribbon to mirror the Croatian flag. In turn guests normally leave a donation in a basket for their rosemary pins.

  5. Game - More reception fun, there is a game where the newly weds play who will be the boss of the house. I’ve seen this called Family Pants. How it works is the couple tries to physically step on each other’s feet. In another version the couple races to the church, the winner being dubbed the head of the house hold.

  6. Wedding Dance Tradition - Beginning at midnight, the guests get an opportunity to dance with the bride for a fee. The maid of honor, stands nearby, basket in hand dictating the amount of time spent dancing with the bride. Guests drop in their money and depending on their donation, the bridesmaid will let you know how long the dance time will last.

  7. The Reception or the “real party”- after hours of fun, there is something called the 3am Goulash. Family and friends that have been laughing, dancing, drinking to all hours of the night need sustenance, so at or around 3am, remaining guests receive the 3am Goulash or Sarma. Traditionally, its rolled cabbage, stuffed with meat and rice, in some areas you may also see a fish stew, both served with a side of coffee. The Party can go until 9-10 in the morning the next day. It can take up your whole weekend.

  8. Gifts - All through the night during the reception, guests make their way to the beautiful couple and present their gifts, majority of the time its cash in an envelope.

Episode 37

Episode 37

Episode 35

Episode 35