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Episode 37

Episode 37

Dobro jutro, prijateljI!

Welcome to an LLC episode of gigantic proportions!

As enormous as the sun, stars and thesky!


Today, we’ll learn how to say those big nature words all of humanity shares.

Lesson - Big Nature

Earth - Zemlja

sun - sunce

moon - mjesec

sky - nebo

cloud - oblak/ oblaci

star - zvijezda/ zvijezde

mountain - planina/ planine (Planina Velebit)

sea - more (Jadransko More)

beach - plaža

Join us, also, as DJ Moe takes on a trek up Klek Mountain.

He’ll teach us about it’s interesting geographical features,

and also about some of it’s more mysterious stories.

Witchcraft, anyone?

Staying with today’s theme of Big Nature, introducing Klek mountain.

This mountain is found in the North Western part of Croatia. Sitting at the base of Klek is the town of Ogulin, found in Karlovac County. Which is also where you will find the City of Kalovac.

Back to Klek...

Klek is the easternmost mountain of the Velika Kapela range of the Dinaric Alps.

Klek is 3,875 ft tall at its highest point and also boasts more than a few Speleological attractions.

In case you didn’t know, the word Speleological or Speleology  is the study or exploration of caves. Hence the word Spelunking...

Klek Cave, known in Croatian as Horvat’s

Half Cave, know in Croatian as Poluećina

Regarding the pits of Klek.

Klek has a 433 foot deep pit called, Jaruničica an Zakopi, in English this is known as the Witch’s Pit.

There is also another pit located further up the mountain, i couldn’t find a name for, practically near the top at an elevation of 3,812ft.

The climate here tends to have heavy rainfall, which encourages the formation of the jagged edges you’ll find all over the mountain as well as the seeping torrent streams that helps gather water into these pits.

According to folklore, Klek mountain was created after a clash between two giants and the gods. Apparently in ancient times, the powerful gods were hoarding all the food and drink. One of the giants, Klek, decided to do something about it, taking up arms against a God named Volos.  Volos, known for carrying a magical all powerful sword, could petrify anyone and everyone with one swing. Apparently that’s what happened, Klek unfortunately fell to Volos, thus creating Klek Mountain.

And now back to the witches for a second...

Another legend surrounding Klek Mountain, has Klek as a sleeping giant that hasn’t woken up in ages. Story goes, anytime the storm clouds appear and go dark over the town of OGULIN, where the wind picks up and cracks like a whip, locals know to lock their doors and windows, because that is a signifier that soon: Witches, Fairies, and elves from all over the world are on their way to Klek Mountain for one reason. To wake up the sleeping giant, Klek. So during these thunderstorm, they will do their best to make as much noise as possible while they sing and dance.

Hope you found this as interesting as I did.
That’s it for this weeks Super Slatko Report....

Thank you.

Episode 38

Episode 38

Episode 36

Episode 36