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Episode 38

Episode 38

Dobra večer, prijatelji!

We’ve got a wonderful lesson for you today.

In celebration of the ever-so-near Valentine’s Day,

we’ll learn the names of the parts of the human body!


Da, we think so, too!

Lesson - Human Body

humans - ljudi

body - tijelo

human body - ljudsko tijelo

head - glava

chest - prsa

back - leđa

arm, hand - ruka/ruke

leg, foot - noga/noge

In this episode’s Super Slatko Report, we’re going to

bring out the guitars and tambourine for a heartbreaking tune.


Once again we’ll learn language with the help of music in our Super Slatko Sing-a-long!

Episode 39

Episode 39

Episode 37

Episode 37