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Episode 55

Episode 55

Dobar dan, prijatelji!

Hello, everyone and welcome to our attempt at riding the old speed limit at 55mph!

In today’s lesson, we’ll learn some words for clothing.

Unless you are a nudist, these are important words to know!

Clothes - Part 1

clothing - odjeća

underwear - gaćice

pants - hlače

t-shirt - majica

shirt (collared) - košulja

tie - kravata

socks - čarape

shoes - cipele

In this edition of the SSR, DJ Moe will be our tour guide to the city of Rovinj. Among its many charms, Rovinj is a bilingual town in which both Croatian and Italian are spoken. Pretty amazing! We want to learn more about Rovinj!

Rovinj is located in Istria! The Northern Western part of the country, remember; if you’re looking at a map, its the peninsula that juts out into the Adriatic.

With a population of 14,294 people, Rovinj is one of the more popular destinations in Istria to visit. As with any good destination, it all stems from the history.

Rovinj was built on an Island which was very close to the coast of Istria, its now connected to the mainland, but once had a small channel that wasn’t  filled in until 1763. Rovinj has had many inhabitants in its time, from tribal Venetians - Ilyrians, to the Romans, the Byzantine Empire, Frankish Empire, to the Republic of Venice and fast forwarding all the way up to today as part of Croatia. Rovinj has changed hands many times, but its location to the Sea is how it rose prominence in the area. 

Rovinj already had a thriving maritime industry, but to persevere Rovinj and its neighboring towns, the city pledged allegiance to the Venetian Republic in exchange for protection, much needed at this time of piracy in the region. For this protection, the Venetian Republic gained an outpost for supplies and a place to rest and repair damaged ships. During this time Rovinj was able to build up its infrastructure and economy when most of Istria wasn’t as prosperous.

During this time of Venetian Rule, the City was protected by two rows of defensive walls and had three gates from which to enter. One of those gates, dating back to 1680, the Blabi Arch, can still be seen today

One of the most popular destinations is…

St. Euphemia’s Basilica (aka, Basilica of St. Euphemia) This is a Baroque Style church located in the heart of the Rovinj historical area.

This church was built from 1725-1736. The relics of Saint Euphemia are preserved in the Roman Sarcophagus that dates back to the 6th century! There are also many works of art to see, from Gothic Statues from the 15th century to paintings from the 16th and 17th century.

St. Euphemias also has a bell tower that you can still climb today. The bell Tower resembles that of St.Mark’s Basilica in Venice. On top of the Bell Tower is a wind vane of Saint Euphemia. It might be a trek for some, but the views of Rovinj are stunning as well as excellent view of the coast line.

Rovinj also boasts a picturesque harbor, meandering cobble stone streets that wind their way through the city and a beach right in old town that you can take in some sun or go for a swim.

If you are looking to avoid the crowds during peak travel season, Rovinj is a great idea for your Istrian vacation.

Episode 56

Episode 56

Episode 54

Episode 54